See the top product trends for any category
Track the historical performance of the top 100 products in a category.
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About Category Trends
Category Trends is a unique product research feature that tracks the top 100 products of any category or subcategory on Amazon. Analyze category performance with historical trend data to identify which category to pursue for an upcoming product launch.
Get insights into historical trends
Explore daily category and subcategory purchasing trends on Amazon. Category Trends reveals the top 100 products of a particular category or subcategory to show how a specific product has performed over time and provides insight into market demand.

Validate product ideas with performance metrics
See category performance metrics like price, review, rating, and rank to validate product ideas. Expand your existing portfolio by adding new products, using data down to a specific subcategory.
Track product rank trends
View graphs that track an ASIN’s historical monthly rank. Keep tabs on rank fluctuations — like low-ranking products that are gaining momentum or high-ranking products that are dropping in popularity — to understand the directionality of products in the market.

Take action with your research
Continue your product research and validate ideas with complementary Jungle Scout tools to ensure a product is worth selling. Seamlessly save and track product ideas or jump right into keyword research — all integrated within Jungle Scout.
Analyze category performance with Jungle Scout
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